Wednesday 7 November 2012

IwanBaan iconic pic 1

This picture was taken by IwanBaan in NEW YORK city. its all ready become one of the most iconic images of new york city post-hurricane sandy. The photo, captured by Dutch photographer IwanBaan, shows the city's powerless southern end mostly blacked-out in the wake of Sandy, and the more fortunate midtown and northern areas still lit. 
Baan shot the image "wide open" with Canon's new EF 24-70mm f/2.8L II USM with the 1D X set at ISO 25,000 and 1/40th of second shutter speed.

he have photographed Manhattan from above many times in the past, so when he set out to shoot, he had already in mind his approach. he also thought, the only way to truly show how the island, which was now divided by those with power, and those without, was to find a helicopter, and shoot it from the sky.
he began calling on all of the heli-pilots he could think of in the Manhattan area, but each of them were either without fuel, on recovery efforts, or without power themselves. To his relief, after nearly exhausting all efforts, he managed to get a hold of a pilot who he had met just a week prior, and he said yes, he was able to fly.
The day after Sandy struck, he had reserved a car in Manhattan – just in case. But to his demise, the rental company had already given away his reservation, leaving him without a car, and without a means to getting to the helipad.
After a bit of negotiating, he finally found a rental at JFK. And 4 hours of standstill traffic, closed bridges and a $2,000.00 USD price tag later, he made it to the airport and had the car keys in hand.
Before he could shake off a bit of the frenzy that was going around, his phone rang. It was New York Magazine calling, and all that he could make out through the broken network reception was the word helicopter. With the phone lines being as bad as they were, it was completely impossible to hear what they were saying, but he figured he’d make his way to the heliport no matter what. he had already made his 4-hour trek out of Manhattan, so he could make it there in a breeze.
Without doors on the heli, it was a freezing cold, hour-long ride to fly into Manhattan. he  spent about an hour above the city, where he knew he wanted to capture these two cities – one, a vibrant and pulsating Manhattan that we recognize so vividly, and it’s antonym – a life-less city turned pitch-black and ominous.
Iwan Baan is known primarily for images that narrate the life and interactions that occur within architecture. Born in 1975, Iwan grew up outside Amsterdam, studied at the Royal Academy of Art in The Hague and worked in publishing and documentary photography in New York and Europe.

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