Thursday 1 November 2012

pic4 car park


car park

This wall is made up of crushed cars & it is a car park in Digbeth. Through a towering brick arch over Heath Mill Lane in the old Birmingham industrial district of Digbeth, someone has put their artistic talents to work on a lot of old car parts. They have compacted the rusting gearboxes and hubcaps into blocks and stacked them neatly in two tall piles. The pair of towers flank the entrance to a car park. At the far end, the giant word FORWARD is painted on a brick wall. The whole set up screams "artistic rejuvenation of former factory city". The only problem is, the car park is just that – an empty lot ringed by metal spike fencing. You can't go left or right, let alone forward. It's a dead end. and a lot people thinks it is just a made up picture they don't think it is real.

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