Wednesday 10 October 2012

own pics bloody Saturday 2 photographs

own pics bloody saturday 2 photographys                                    

pic1) In the spring of 1919, veterans of the Great War are returning to Winnipeg by the thousands. Working people are struggling to make ends meet. The wealthy face a world and a future changed by a new political order in Russia. On May 15, 30,000 citizens walk off the job, demanding better wages and working conditions. It is the beginning of the Winnipeg General Strike. Six weeks later, the walkout ends in violence on a day they will call Bloody Saturday.
pic2)The spiralling cost of living, widespread unemployment, and disillusionment with “the system” gave rise to a wave of labour unrest that rolled across the country in 1918 and 1919, intensifying fears of an international Bolshevik conspiracy. Nothing did more to inflame anti–foreign sentiment and heighten fears of revolution than the Winnipeg General Strike of May 1919.

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