Friday 14 June 2013

HDR research

this picture is so fresh to look at and how you can see the paint colour, it just inspiring me to do editing. I like how the car came out shiny.

This is what i want to do, i like how the back ground came out blury and dark. they could use this picture for AIR MAX shoe advertisement because it looks awesome.
I like the effect of the blurred background, there's something almost of the fake tilt-shift about the image. also i like how the focus is on the car and away from the background. i think this is cool looking car. 

Wednesday 8 May 2013


My plan

In order to complete my task I had to choose  a location, which was Birmingham town centre. The reason why I use this location because my theme is buildings and there are a variety of different shaped building. I use Nikon camera to take the pictures and it is really smart camera to use. Before I came to college I've checked the weather and it was a bit cold so I had to wear jacket. 

                   Geoff Perry

His name is Geoff Pretty and he is one of the best photographer in the world, I like his photos  and the way he edit them, that’s why I'm using his images. An exhibition of 15 of his photographs is on show at Brown's Cafe, Grange Road, Darlington. The cafe is tastefully decorated and provides an excellent choice of breakfast, lunch and evening meals. My business card and contact information is available on the premises.. Please see accompanying images

These  image are called converging verticals.  As I am researching building photography I came across this image on the left. For its colour and shapes I choose this image and done my own which is on the right . The similarities of the images are visible as they  are both churches.    
                                              Simon Norfolk

Simon Norfolk was born in Lagos, Nigeria, in 1963 and educated in England, finishing at Oxford and Bristol Universities with a degree in philosophy and sociology.
After leaving a documentary photography course in Newport, South Wales, Norfolk worked for far-left publications specializing in work on anti-racist activities and fascist groups, in particular the British National Party. In 1994 he gave up photojournalism in
favor of landscape photography.

Second picture below has also been done by Simon Norfolk, even though its isn't a building the main point of the photo is the structure of the house. I enjoy looking at this picture as it is so real and the sky light high lights the colour of the grass and shapes on the house.    

Simon Norfolk inspired me to look in to photographing simple buildings and make them look unrealistic. In the picture above Simon Norfolk photographed a building on a beach near sun set. The reason why I like this photo is simply because of the peace and natural looking affect.


This building has 39 floors, and it is the second tallest building in Birmingham town centre. The front façade of the building is floor-to-ceiling glass decorated in "tiger stripes" which are used to enhance the vertical impact. As the apartments were being furbished, an aqua colored camouflage was also added to these windows with some of the tiger stripes being removed.

Bull ring was Built in 1999 as part of the redevelopment of the famous Bullring indoor shopping centre in Birmingham, the dramatic new landmark building of the Selfridges department opened for business in 2003..

The building has proved a hit with both the public and design bods, earning it the RIBA Award for Architecture 2004 and Destination of the Year Retail Week Awards 2004.

This is St Martin’s in the Bull Ring stands on the site of the medieval village of Birmingham in an area occupied by retail and wholesale markets from at least the 1th century. A Grade II* Listed building, it is known as 'the Mother Church of Birmingham'.

this image was taken in the
Digbeth street. It looks quite
Good how the cars are parking
Under the bridge and the buildings at the side.

HSBC bank Is one of the biggest bank in Uk. Basically I enjoy looking at this picture as it is so real and nice.  

Little is known about Island House as it is such a small and seemingly insignificant building. However, the future for this building, and the surrounding site, could
not be brighter. 

The first important Roman Revival building in England, it was based on the temple of Castor and Pollex in Rome (see also Curl 288), it was the first important civic building in Birmingham. Raised on its tall arcaded podium, with its bays stretching back across the square, it remains the most iconic.

This picture is one of the building
In Birmingham town cent, I like the
Shape Of the building  as you can see

Centre City Tower is a 21 Floor commercial building in Birmingham, England. Construction started 172 and completed 1975. The building's architects were Richard Seifert and Partners.

The Centre City complex consists of two buildings, the Tower and the Podium. The Podium is a low-rise building that surrounds the Tower base, but (with the exception of fire escapes) there is no direct connection between the two. This arrangement means that the first floor of the Tower is at approximately seventh-floor level when compared with other buildings.

Centre City Tower is one of the major office buildings in the city, and is also one of the tallest in the city centre at 76 metres. It is a large building, not just in height, but in girth. This does make the building appear rather stubby from a distance, especially when compared to Holloway Circus Tower just up the road.

A Former Pasha’s Palace, this 136 key hotel has been in the same hands since 1965.  The hotel has 2 restaurants, 2 bars, conference suites and leisure facilities including 2 swimming pools.
The hotel nestles in the city ramparts in the heart of the historic city of Taroudant, the ‘capital of silver’ and regional municipal centre.  The hotel is just 40 minutes drive by expressway from Agadir Airport, with flights to many European destinations year round.   The region is the home to the UNESCO protected Argan trees, bee hives and is a rich fruit growing area

As you can see all the buildings are so cool to look at and the shapes, the way how they built it is just so beautiful and I like it.  

Friday 3 May 2013

Alex hdr


 With a little knowledge of photo editing software like Photoshop or Photomatix, you can create your own HDR images. I do not claim to be specialist on High Dynamic Range (HDR) imaging or photography in general, but I love the images they produce. Here are some of the best HDR wallpapers of various vehicle.

Here are my AIRMAX picture edited using HDR i really like them the way they are now.
In this photo assignment I took HDR photos of my shoes. I have a lot of shoes and I always love to buy shoes. I don’t always wear them but I have a huge collection of shoes. I chose to do this assignment on shoes because it was easy for me place the shoes in different positions and because I have so many there was a lot to chose from. I ended up choosing my only pair of AIR MAX shoes. I really like the way HDR photos come out so I chose to do more HDR photos in my free time. The reason I chose this photo was because I liked how it shows different textures and has the shadow and highlights present in the picture. I used the HDR photomatix and then I played around with the black and white option in Photoshop. Overall I liked how the picture turned out and I think it shows the personality of the shoe and uses the Rule of Thirds technique to draw ones attention.

High Dynamic Range Imaging HDR is a technique that allows a greater dynamic range of luminance’s between light and dark areas of a scene than normal digital imaging techniques. The intention of HDRI is to accurately represent the wide range of intensity levels found in real scenes ranging from direct sunlight to shadows.
Here is my beautiful and attractive picture it was taken in car park and edited in HDR i hope you enjoying looking at the image.                                                                                                                                  

Wednesday 1 May 2013

experimental high key, low key, self portrait, fashion

high key 

High key photography uses unnaturally bright lighting to blow out most or all harsh shadows in an image. High key methods were originally developed as a solution to screens that couldn't properly display high contrast ratios, but has developed into more of a stylistic choice.
High key images usually convey a positive or upbeat tone. This method is perfect for a subject that is funny, light-hearted or beautiful.
 High key used regularly for model photography but I couldn't find model the I just used this bag, flowers and other subjects that are relatively feminine in nature. Another area perfect for high key is product photography. Practically speaking, the bright nature of the photo really highlights the product and can make for some great attention-grabbing contrast. Psychologically speaking, a product shown on white tends to suggest that it is high quality or up scale in nature.
                                                                     low key
I always thought of to take a moon picture and here is my low key image holding the moon using studio light. This picture took me 30 to 45 minute to get the right set. 

Low key lighting is the kind photography that produces a low key photograph with a dark tonal range. It is known as a style of lighting that plays with light and shadows in a drama
Tic way, usually with high contrast and dark tones. This kind of lighting is used to create dramatic portraits, high impact images and anything you want to highlight by controlling the dark tones and subtracting light.

self portrait 
I choose this self portraits because it is really great photo and self portrait is a picture someone made of her/him-self, its how one perceives oneself or want to be seen. That doesn't mean it looks like the person (from the outside). In a way, every piece of art is a self-portrait. I hope you like it.

The above image was taken in the car park outside my college. This picture looks like more fashionable for motorcycle riders and I'm really glad I have got this picture because it is different from my other images that I took.

Wednesday 24 April 2013

Composite HDR same view different back ground

this is the picture i took same view but differnt back ground and the top image is edited using HDR.

Wednesday 17 April 2013


gardner was born paisley Scotland on October 17 1821 He became an apprentice jeweller at the age of fourteen, lasting seven years. By adulthood he desired to create a cooperative in the United States that would incorporate socialist valuesGardner and his family immigrated to the United States in 1856. Finding that many friends and family members at the cooperative he had helped to form were dead or dying of tuberculosis, he stayed in New York. He initiated contact with Brady and came to work for him that year, continuing until 1862. At first, Gardner specialised in making large photographic prints, called Imperial photographs, but as Brady’s eyesight began to fail, Gardner took on increasing responsibilities. In 1858, Brady put him in charge of the Brady's washington,

work as conflict photographer 

You are expected to provide your own SLR style digital camera and a laptop with editing software such as Adobe Photoshop or Light room, just as if you were on an editorial assignment. Each workshop will have some additional requirements such as appropriate clothing, medicines etc. A full packing list will be provided to you before your departure.

To become a better conflict photographer you need to look up on the Internet to know what is going on in the world and you go there to take pictures its big risk you taking for your life but it’s a good pay.

Wednesday 20 March 2013

Photograph: is it art?

                                         Photograph: is it art?

I used to think it wasn't because you're just capturing a moment. You're not creating a fantasy world or physically replicating something (as in drawing or painting from real life). But there's more to photography than just pointing and shooting. There's the exposure levels, the angle, and at the end, the editing.

A good photographer takes into account the same things that a painter does: lighting, composition, form, value, colour, texture, and so forth. A good photograph is more than a representation of an object: it is interesting, it says something about the subject, it invites inquiry, and it has beauty.

Not everyone has an eye for photography. Many people walk through life and don't notice the small things that say big things.. They wouldn't think to go at it at this angle to get the most meaning out of the picture. For example; you could see a bent nail sticking out of the floor and not care that it's there. Or maybe it is a problem, so you point and shoot to show it to the carpenter to get it fixed.

Then there's the daring factor. Are you brave enough to go out there and get that great shot? Or are you too timid to walk out there, so you stay in the back and just get what comes by.. That boldness is an art.

Anything that helps you express what is inside you can be considered art. There are a lot of photographers who spend just as much time on a photo as a painter does on a painting.

Some times Photography is a complicated art form. Sure, anyone can take a picture and call themselves a photographer. It's no different then someone painting a picture and calling themselves a painter.

It takes more then lucks to get a good picture. Sure some photos are the right place at the same time, but conceptual and macro, and other posed types of photography take skill to achieve. Even if it is being in the right place and the right time, you can't just snap the photo and call it a masterpiece. It's a matter of getting the right settings in order to produce something beautiful. You can't just turn on a camera and expect to take a masterpiece, just as you can't expect to buy some paint and a canvas and paint like Van Gogh.

perhaps not the snap shots that parents take of their kids, or that tourists snap of things that will be sentimental to them and only them (although a few may be lucky to have the elements of a good photograph), but photography (if done correctly) can be one of the most meaningful and powerful forms of art there is.

In a way, photography is a more personal form of paper art (I don’t know if that's the correct term, but art that you draw) it takes the world’s natural beauty and turns it into something breathtaking for all to see.

You can't just take a picture, and call it photography. you have to see and feel the image which is being photographed. it has to mean something to you.
I think art is a form of expression. just like music is art. i love both, and consider both to be art.

So consider this, For photography to have its place in the world of Art, it must have within it that quality of having been achieved by the hand of a competent Artist, along with the hand of a technically competent photographer. Many technical photographers do magnificent work in the way of recording what the world has, but only Artist-photographers can do work that can hold its place in Art salons and Collections.

I say It depends on who's behind the camera...if a true artist composes the picture, then it will be art and you'll know it. Some photography is not art. Any form of expressing yourself is an art. Photography is not always art, but there is art in photography.