gardner was born paisley Scotland on October 17 1821 He became an apprentice jeweller at the age of fourteen, lasting seven years. By adulthood he desired to create a cooperative in the United States that would incorporate socialist valuesGardner and his family immigrated to the United States in 1856. Finding that many friends and family members at the cooperative he had helped to form were dead or dying of tuberculosis, he stayed in New York. He initiated contact with Brady and came to work for him that year, continuing until 1862. At first, Gardner specialised in making large photographic prints, called Imperial photographs, but as Brady’s eyesight began to fail, Gardner took on increasing responsibilities. In 1858, Brady put him in charge of the Brady's washington,
work as conflict photographer
You are expected to provide your own SLR style digital camera and
a laptop with editing software such as Adobe Photoshop or Light room, just as
if you were on an editorial assignment. Each workshop will have some additional
requirements such as appropriate clothing, medicines etc. A full packing list
will be provided to you before your departure.
To become a better conflict photographer you need to
look up on the Internet to know what is going on in the world and you go there
to take pictures its big risk you taking for your life but it’s a good pay.
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